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How to increase the flow of happy money in your life 14

  • Sebastien Grynko
  “There are two kinds of money: Happy Money and Unhappy Money. Happy Money is the kind that a ten-year-old boy uses to buy flowers for his mom on Mother’s Day. Happy Money is when parents gladly pinch pennies in order to save a few extra dollars each week to...

Your right to be right - Joseph Murphy 0

  • Sebastien Grynko
It is your right to be rich. You are here to lead the abundant life and be happy, radiant and free. You should, therefore, have all the money you need to lead a full, happy and prosperous life. You are here to grow, expand and unfold spiritually, mentally and materi-...

The law of sowing and reaping 0

  • Sebastien Grynko
Now, here's the second law that changed my life forever in network marketing. I learned the law of sowing and reaping. And in the law of sowing and reaping is also the story of the law of averages. Jot this down...the story of the sower. It comes from the Bible....

How to use positive thinking for the law of attraction 5

  • Sebastien Grynko
Chapter 1 Believe in Yourself BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. But with sound self-confidence you can succeed. A sense of inferiority and inadequacy interferes with the attainment of your hopes, but...

How to really think big ? 0

  • Sebastien Grynko
BELIEVE YOU CAN SUCCEED AND YOU WILL   THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG. . . .DAVID J. SCHWARTZ CHAPTER 1 -BELIEVE YOU CAN SUCCEED AND YOU WILL On some occasion you've probably heard someone say something like, "It's nonsense to think you can make a mountain move away just by...

How does the subconcious mind work ? (Joseph Murphy) 2

  • Sebastien Grynko
How does the subconscious mind work ?  - Joseph Murphy Man has only one mind, but he has two distinct phases or functions of the one mind. Each phase is characterized by its own phenomena which is peculiar to itself. Each of these minds is capable of independent action, as...

About the Author

Sebastien Grynko

As a meditation teacher, a fitness & and muay thai fanatic/enthusiast with a taste for entrepreneurship. He decided to create a business which can combine all his passions and inspire people all over the world by helping people physically, mentally and spiritually to find their purpose, well-being and health to thrive and contribute to this world.

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  • Free live coaching