The first divine abiding (brahmavihara) is Loving & kindness (Metta). It’s the sublime quality and skill of benevolent love towards all living things.
As rain does not discriminate when it falls so should you NOT, when practicing loving & kindness. Try it and sustain it as much as you possibly can in your day to day.
For some of you, radiating love towards all beings may seem preposterous. You might get angry at the thought of spreading love towards some specific people.
However when you start understanding that most human being are only suffering as we all are somehow. You will develop over time more tolerance.
You will understand that some people are just stuck in their ignorance and delusion. Make no mistake people whom you might think as “evil” are not happy.
Oftentimes they are just poor souls who are lost. They do not know how to cured themselves from their suffering.
Remember one thing when you are dealing with difficult people. You may have to live with them for a moment but they have to live with themselves all the time.
Once you realise that it is easier to have compassion and understanding for anybody and that also include yourself.
Do not neglect yourself in the process, remember that as it applies for difficult people it applies to you as well.
You have to live with yourself most of the time. Therefore you need to radiate that loving & kindness towards YOU and accept the good, the bad and the ugly.
You can then find a way to encourage the good and grow it and slowly but surely let go of the “not-so-good”, not by repressing it but by accepting, not by being complacent but by being kind.
Planting the seeds of wisdom, love and kindness and see them grow in the beautiful garden of your life. Do not water the weeds. Pour water on the growing good in you and see those seeds flourish overtime.
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As a meditation teacher, a fitness & and muay thai fanatic/enthusiast with a taste for entrepreneurship. He decided to create a business which can combine all his passions and inspire people all over the world by helping people physically, mentally and spiritually to find their purpose, well-being and health to thrive and contribute to this world.
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