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Inspiration comes in words


Let go or Burning desire


Let go or Burning desire

  • sebastien grynko
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Let go or Burning desire

It’s often debated when it comes to manifestation. On one side you got the one that believes that action is required to make one’s desire to come to fruition. You’ll hear things like the action is the last word in the Law of Attraction or that massive actions are needed once you have the right mindset (i.e) Tony Robbins. On the other hand, you have others who believe that things will come to given the proper way of thinking. Sadhguru said that when one’s mind is set in the right way. One needs not even lift a finger to have one’s desire manifest so which is it?

 I want to read one excerpt from Napoleon Hill Think & grow rich book and one except from David Hawkins Letting Go book.

 I believe in the power of DESIRE backed by FAITH, because I have seen this power lift men from lowly beginnings to places of power and wealth; I have seen it rob the grave of its victims; I have seen it serve as the medium by which men staged a comeback after having been defeated in a hundred different ways; I have seen it provide my own son with a normal, happy, successful life, despite Nature's having sent him into the world without ears.

How can one harness and use the power of DESIRE? This has been answered through this, and the subsequent chapters of this book. This message is going out to the world at the end of the longest, and perhaps, the most devastating depression America has ever known. It is reasonable to presume that the message may come to the attention of many who have been wounded by the depression, those who have lost their fortunes, others who have lost their positions, and great numbers who must reorganize their plans and stage a comeback. To all these I wish to convey the thought that all achievement, no matter what may be its nature, or its purpose, must begin with an intense, BURNING DESIRE for something definite.

Through some strange and powerful principle of "mental chemistry" which she has never divulged, Nature wraps up in the impulse of STRONG DESIRE "that something" which recognizes no such word as impossible, and accepts no such reality as failure.

 Desire as an Obstacle

 There is often a lack of understanding of the function of wanting and desire. The main illusion is seen in the statement, “The only way that I’ll get what I want is by desiring it; if I let go of my desire, then I won’t get what I want.” Actually, the opposite is true. Desire, especially strong desire (e.g., cravingness), frequently blocks our getting what we want.

Why is this so? Actually, the way something comes into our life is because we have chosen it. It was the result of our intention, or we made a decision for it. It has come into our life in spite of desire. The desiring was actually the obstacle to its achievement or acquisition. This is because desire literally means, “I do not have.” In other words, if we say that we desire something, we are saying that it isn’t ours. When we say that it isn’t ours, we put a psychic distance between ourselves and what we want. This distance becomes the obstacle that consumes energy.


The impossible becomes possible as soon as we are totally surrendered. This is because wanting blocks receiving it and results in a fear of not getting it. The energy of desire is, in essence, a denial that what we want is ours for the asking.

This is a different way of looking at achieving goals than the one we are used to from the programming of our world. We are used to picturing ambition and success as being associated with hard work and the classical “Protestant ethic” virtues. These include self-sacrifice, asceticism, great expenditure of effort and endeavor, keeping our nose to the grindstone, tightening our belt, buckling down, and all the grimness of hard work. When we look at this whole picture, it sounds arduous, doesn’t it? Well, it is. It involves struggle, and the struggle results from the block we have put in our own way because of desire.

Let’s compare the arduous lower consciousness way of achieving goals with a higher state of consciousness in which we have acknowledged and let go of the desire, and are in a freer state. In a freer state, that which is chosen manifests in our life effortlessly. We surrender the emotion of desire and, instead, merely choose the goal, picture it lovingly, and allow it to happen because we see that it is already ours.

Why is it already ours? In a lower state of consciousness, the universe is seen as negative and denying, frustrating, and reluctant. It is like a bad, stingy parent. In a higher state of consciousness, our experience of the universe changes. It now becomes like a giving, loving, unconditionally approving parent who wants us to have everything we want, and it is ours for the asking. This is creating a different context. It is giving the universe a different meaning.

Although the world may be stingy and hostile to other people, there is no reason why we should buy into this paradigm. When we buy into it, we make it that way in our own life. As we experience the letting go of desires, we begin to see that what we have chosen will come into our life almost magically. “What we hold in mind tends to manifest.” As was

said before, during times of supposed high unemployment, some people are not only employed but have two or three jobs.

This was a shockingly new way of looking at the world when it was first encountered. There was the hope that it was true, but also a skepticism that said, “This just isn’t possible on a pragmatic level.” A strict “Protestant ethic” background made it hard to believe; nonetheless, the willingness was there to be open-minded enough to give it a try. Here was the initial experience with letting go of desire.

Personal goals were written down, followed by a letting go of the desire for them. It sounds paradoxical but that is the process: identify the goals and then let go of wanting them. One goal that had been held in mind for several years was an apartment in New York City, because work commitments required a lot of commuting and money spent on hotel rooms. A small apartment in the city—a so-called pied-à-terre— would be the economical solution. “Apartment in New York City” was written down as a goal. When utilizing this way of achieving goals, we include all of the details, as impossible as they may seem to the rational mind to achieve. So, the ideal apartment was detailed: reasonably priced, on Fifth Avenue in the 70s block, right next to an entrance to Central Park, at least eight or nine floors up and in the rear so that the street noise would be minimized, and not any bigger than about two and a half rooms.

The next day at work, it was busy as usual, with a big caseload, meetings, and patient visits. In between the meetings and patients, the feeling of wantingness for the apartment would be acknowledged and let go. And, as the day progressed, the apartment was actually forgotten. At 4:30 P.M., after the last patient, there was suddenly the impulse to drive into the city. Despite the fact that it was ostensibly rush hour, the road was clear and the drive took only half an hour. The car cruised to about 73rd and Lexington, pulling up to the nearest real estate office. Rather magically, there happened to be a parking space open right in front of the real estate office. The real estate officer, upon hearing the tongue-in-cheek announcement that an apartment on Fifth Avenue was desired, looked with surprise and said, “Well, you are certainly in luck!

Exactly one hour ago we listed the only apartment for rent on all of Fifth Avenue, at 76th Street, on the ninth floor. It’s the rear apartment, two and a half rooms, and the rent is reasonable (rent-controlled at $500.00 a month). It has just been painted and you can move in any time.” So we walked over and viewed the apartment. It fit the description of the goal exactly. The lease was signed on the spot! Thus, within 24 hours of trying the letting go technique on a specific personal goal, the goal was a reality. It had been something that was almost impossible to find, and yet it happened exactly as pictured, effortlessly, and with no negative emotions. It was an easy and joyous experience.

This is not an unusual experience but a typical one, because in this case the desire was moderate and could, without much effort, be totally surrendered. By being totally surrendered, this means that it was okay if the apartment happened, and it was okay if it didn’t. Because of being totally surrendered, the impossible became possible, manifesting itself effortlessly and rapidly.

We can all doubt this mechanism and look back at things that we wanted and that were achieved through ambition, desire, craving, and even obsessive, frenzied wanting. The mind says, “Well, what if I had let go of the desire for those things? If it weren’t for the desire, how would I have gotten them?” The truth is, we could have gotten them anyway, only without anxiety (fear of not getting), without all the energy expenditure, without all the effort, without all the trial and error, and without all the hard work.

“Well!” the mind says, “if we got it effortlessly, how about the pride of achievement? Wouldn’t we have to sacrifice that?” Well, yes, we would have to relinquish the vanity of all that sacrifice and hard work that we put into it. We would have to give up the sentimentality about the self-sacrifice and all the pain and suffering we went through to achieve our goals. This is a peculiar perversion in our society, isn’t it? If we suddenly become successful almost effortlessly, then people are envious. It really annoys them that we didn’t have to go through all kinds of anguish, pain, and suffering to get there.

Their mind believes that such anguish is the cost that must be paid for success.

Let’s look at this belief. If it weren’t for the negative programming that made us believe otherwise, why should we go through any cost of pain and suffering to achieve anything in our life? Isn’t that a rather sadistic view of the world and the universe?

Other blocks to the achievement of our wants and desires, of course, are unconscious guilt and smallness. Peculiarly, the unconscious will allow us to have only what we think we deserve. The more we hang on to our negativity and the small self-image that results, the less we think we deserve, and we unconsciously deny ourselves the abundance which flows so easily to others. That is the reason for the saying, “The poor get poorer and the rich get richer.” If we have a small view of ourselves, then what we deserve is poverty, and our unconscious will see to it that we have that actuality. As we relinquish our smallness and revalidate our own inner innocence, and as we let go of resisting our generosity, openness, trust, lovingness, and faith, then the unconscious will automatically start arranging life circumstances so that abundance begins to flow into our life.

Now that we have finished both excerpts we can clearly see that there are two ways of going about it. I apologize for the confusion but I think it is important to address. The prerequisite to manifest one’s desire is belief. Whether you believe it will happen with actions or no actions is up to you. The more important thing, however, is to let go of the resistance and do what feels natural and good. Actions backed by fear and desperation will not yield good results most of the time or least not in the long run. Neville Goddard said that you will be moved to act a certain way.


To that extent, that taking action or no action does not really matter. We do live in a 3d world. Everything we do could qualify as an action. The most important thing is to let go of resistance, doubts, negativity, and even more importantly the how of it all. That takes a leap of faith as Jim Carrey would agree. There need to be trust in the universe and one’s own ability to manifest. The more you let go of negativity, the easier it will be to have clarity and to be moved in the direction of what feels good what needs to be done in order to accelerate one’s manifestation

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Sebastien Grynko

As a meditation teacher, a fitness & and muay thai fanatic/enthusiast with a taste for entrepreneurship. He decided to create a business which can combine all his passions and inspire people all over the world by helping people physically, mentally and spiritually to find their purpose, well-being and health to thrive and contribute to this world.

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